Retailer HQ
The company was downsizing their head office staff. At the same time they wished to relocate out of two existing over-sized buildings which lacked car parking and were in need of major refurbishment.
They also needed to replace their existing Comms room, which carried servers for each shop in the entire UK and European operation, with a more robust facility.
A key challenge was to provide the most economical solution that would properly serve the design proposals and meet the customers’ requirements.
This involved working with all the existing services and adapting them to suit the new requirements as well as adding in new services where required.
The data centre was a central part of the whole project. Due to its critical nature, we provided UPS and generator back-up which had to be operational in advance of the remainder of the building to facilitate a seamless changeover.
There was extensive design phase to this project to fully ensure that the client’s requirements were fully understood and every detail was tied down as much as possible.
A full back up generator system was provided to ensure continuity of essential power and air-conditioning systems in the event of a power failure.
To protect the critical data centre, a specialist fire suppression system including relief vents and an extraction system was installed.
- Full design calculations and drawings
- Main distribution/Sub-main distribution
- Cable containment
- Internal lighting
- Small power
- Data
- Plumbing
- Air-conditioning/Ventilation
- AHU modifications
- Fire alarm
- Fire suppression
- BMS Controls
- Testing and commissioning